Prestashop Addons

Frequent questions

How much is the shipping?

We offer free shipping in many cases! You have complete information about shipping and its cost on the page Shipping costs


How long does it take for an order to arrive at my house?


You can see information about the deadlines Delivery times


Do you ship to my area?

We ship to the Peninsula, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla, Portugal, Azores, Madeira and the rest of Europe. You can check the countries to which we ship here


Where is my order?

When your order ships, you receive an email with a shipping tracking number. With it you will be able to see at all times where your order is. 


What do I do if I have a problem with my order?

If you have had a problem with your order, whether due to damaged, wrong product, etc... please contact Customer Service and we will solve it as soon as possible.

From your Order History, locate the order number to which your query refers and to the right you will see that it says "Contact". Try to be as concise as possible about the problem. And don't worry, we solve 100% of the incidents. 

 You can also contact us through the form: contact us

Through the WhatsApp number +34 650593255 or by email:

Can I cancel my order?

If you wish to cancel an order, write your request to our email: . Or through the form: contact us

Please include your email address and order number to ensure fast processing and handling.


Can I return a product?

Check the conditions here and filling out the exchange or returns form here


What promotions do you have active right now?

Our promotions are visible on the main page of our website. You can see active promotions here.


How to get a product or brand that is not found on the web?

Please ask us on social media: Instagram either Facebook; or write to us through the form contact ,or on the WhatsApp number 650593255 and we will gladly assist you. 


Are there any restrictions? reserves the right to establish limits on orders received. If any incident arises, the Customer Service department will contact you to specify the steps to follow.


With what means can I pay? allows the payment of purchases made in the online store in the following modalities:

Visa, Visa electron, Mastercard, PayPal, Bank transfer, Bizum.

Purchases financed through Scalapay



How can I contact Urban.Shop?

Write to us through the form contact ,or on WhatsApp number 650593255